Thursday, October 30, 2014

Vocabulary quizzes & conversation guidelines

Vocab Quiz

In a proficiency based classroom, striving to use comprehensible input, assessments have to be well thought out to meet standards AND incorporate prior information. I wanted to veer away from the typical Spanish-English translations. As a result, I gave a short quiz today which asked students to identify in which class they did certain activities. I.e reading, labs etc. The test not only assessed their knowledge of course names but also the prior knowledge of activities. As they read the possible answers, they were exposed once again to activity verbs. In this case, the verbs were even conjugated in the tú form so the students could preview the new lesson on verb conjugation.

The students did very well on the test (based of the ppt posted on the entry earlier this week) with an average of 85%. Here is the test (feel free to use & modify :):

_____1. Haces problemas con números
_____ 2. Preparas y comes comida
_____ 3. Aprendes sobre el pasado
_____4. Aprendes sobre cultura
_____5. Dibujas y pintas con muchos colores
_____6. Haces laboratorios
_____7. Lees novelas y escribes ensayos

A. la clase de historia
B. la clase de arte
C. la clase de inglés/literatura
D. la clase de biología
E. la clase de matemáticas/álgebra
F. la clase de español
G. la clase de culinaria

Conversational Practice 

I love having the kids walk around the room and ask one another questions in the TL. They enjoy getting out of their seats and finding out information about other students. Usually I create a table in MSword with all the questions in one column and the space for student answers in the other column. I use the stand up-hand up-pair up strategy and the kiddos seem to do well with it. I also give them the following guidelines:

1. Only speak in Spanish
2. Greet your partner. (Piensa: Hello, how are you?)
3. Ask for their name if you are unsure.
4. Ask the questions for the lesson 
5. Say thank you, nice to meet you & goodbye. 

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