Monday, October 20, 2014

Reflections on Practice & 1st post

Hello world. I am a Spanish teacher in Tampa, FL. I recently attended the FFLA conference in Miami, FL and have decided to start a blog in hopes of furthering my knowledge of FL pedagogy and becoming a more connected educator. I have been toying with twitter for about 2 months now and it has been amazing but limiting comments about instruction to 140 characters is quite difficult. My handle is @sralandes, should you decide to chat with me on there or join in our #langchat Thursdays.

Ok, so let's get to reflection time before my post and my focus is thrown off by my ADD.

1.) I would like to have my kids start with Spanish conversation as they come in. I created Spanish 1 conversation cards for where we are in the Avancemos textbook. Link is at the bottom!

2.) I have decided to change quarter 2 to "I can do" statements from ACTFL i.e. I can say my name and ask for others' names. This will let the kids know exactly what I am looking for them to do and cut down on "buffer" grades i.e. worksheets, projects etc that make grades less reflective of proficiency.

3.) I also plan on transitioning to 90% Spanish in class. I know the kids will freak out if I do it right away, especially after a 3 day weekend, so here is the plan: Week 1- 10 min/day in TL by both students and teacher, Week 2: 15 min, Week 3: 20 min, Week 4: 25 min, Week 5: 30 min, Week 6: 35 min, Week 7: 40 min, Week 8: 45 min, Week 9: 50 min. I am going to set up a timer to make sure we stay in the TL and allow students to use google, dictionaries etc to make them stay in the TL.

4.) I want to make sure I stray away from exercises that can be done by anyone without knowing the actual language (more to come on that later). I went to a presentation by University of Tampa's professor Andrew DeMil and he has strongly influenced me.

5.) I want to work with my peers and not see them as harsh critics of mine. I think if we make the evaluation process one of growth, we shall see not only instructional improvement but also student increases in achievement.

I will attach the conversation starters as soon as I figure out how.


1 comment:

  1. Welcome to the blogging world! Look forward to seeing more!
