Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Comprehensble Input Update

This week has required lots of explanation. I am teaching time and holy moly questions arose when we got to the "menos" part of time. I found it helpful to tell them to count backwards and minus an hour from the one stated. For example, if I say "Son las dos menos quince/cuarto," they should do 2-1=1 and count fifteen minutes counterclockwise. This helped the kids tremendously although we didn't have enough practice with the menos so we are working on it tomorrow. I am thinking I will do a time bingo, some review sheets and an info gap between partners so that the kids stay in the TL even if I have to explain in English. I thus have concluded that if I know I will have to do lots of explaining in English, the kids need to do most of the output. Thoughts?

Also: rediscovery of http://minotspanish.wikispaces.com/ made time WAY more clear :)

1 comment:

  1. Have your kids sang the clock song? It's to the tune of "If you're happy and you know it:" Es la una, son las dos, son las tres *clap* *clap* Son las 4, son las 5, son las 6 *clap* *clap* Son las 7, son lsa 8, son las 9, son las 10, son las 11, son las 12 ¿QuĂ© hora es? The students move their hands like the hands of a clock, and then shrug their shoulders for Que hora es.
